“Give a Green Dot” all December! In other words, help keep Valley City safe and joyful during the season of giving with Valley City Green Dot. Find little ways to spread kindness and be proactive in keeping our community safe every day this month. Give the gift of a safe community to your neighbors and yourself.
Valley City Green Dot is inviting you to join us in our December campaign to “Give a Green Dot”, or as many as you can, this holiday season. Giving a Green Dot means making small decisions every day that help keep our community safe. Green Dots are the little choices we each make to watch out for one another in our community and to make clear that we in Valley City don’t tolerate violence.
Our goal is to record 250 proactive Green Dots this month. That's 250 small moments that could include sharing with someone what VC Green Dot is, supporting organizations like APOC, signing up or inviting people to our January 31st Bystander Training, telling people about the 3Ds and other Bystander tips, sharing bystander videos on your social media, gifting a Green Dot ornament with info about violence prevention, or simply encouraging people to look out for one another and to keep Valley City safe.
You can participate in “Give a Green Dot” by doing any of the things above, sharing VC Green Dot posts throughout the month, or letting VC Green Dot know when you’ve given a Green Dot by using the hashtag #GiveaGreenDot or emailing your “Give a Green Dot” story to VCGreenDot@gmail.com.
Valley City Green Dot is a violence prevention program that is part of the worldwide movement to end sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and stalking in communities. Green Dot seeks to engage all members of the community as bystanders who can identify behaviors that lead to harm (red dots) and respond in a way that will make it less likely the harm occurs or gets worse (green dots). It focuses on the actions everyone can take on a daily basis to set a new norm that violence is not tolerated, and everyone is expected to do their part in contributing to a safer community.
To learn more about Valley City Green Dot and to find out how you can support violence prevention efforts, find them on social media @VCGreenDot, online at vcgreendot.com, or contact coordinators, Kristin Petersen and Sharayah Robinson, at (701) 840-8547 or VCGreenDot@gmail.com.