Welcome to Valley City Green Dot!
We are a team of community members who care about ending violence in our community and who believe that if we all take little steps, we can go a long way.

The role of Green Dot is to educate and empower community members to be able to assess situations that may cause harm ("red dots") and use tools to de-escalate or prevent those situations ("green dots"). If enough of us are doing Green Dots in our community, there's no room for the red dots to happen in the first place. We can make it so violence is never tolerated in Valley City. It just takes a little practice.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@vcgreendot), join us for an Overview Session or Bystander Training, and let us know how YOU are partnering with us to #endviolenceinVC!
One person can't do everything, but everyone can do something. Let's all do our part to #livetheGreenDot and keep Valley City safe.